Interior Styling
When we rethink your room, we're not starting from scratch. We're looking at what you have, and finding a way to make it work better. We're putting your pieces together in a totally new way. A way that calms. Or invites. Or defines. Or surprises. After all, you have a story, and what you have in your home tells bits and pieces of that story. So let's put it all together in a way that reflects you best. What you're about. Where you've been. The things you love.

Jay Nuhring's artwork smoothly combines the aesthetic values of design and cultural re-appropriation. Abstracted through cropping and reframing the found object of the American billboard is preserved as part of early 21st century American culture.
Taking selected printed images of color, text and form, and displacing them out of their original urban context, Jay's deconstructive process creates new meaning and understanding to an otherwise empty, short-lived medium. Removed from their pedestals and positioned at a more human scale, billboards find a new place indoors.
Speaking Engagements
We're passionate about sharing what we know - interior styling, getting your home ready for market and art design. Whether it's guest speaking to college students, a DIY Seminar or an interior design showroom Q&A, we would love to be part of your next event.